How to decorate a first marine communion in blue, white and red
As is already traditional, some children will dress as sailors to make their First Communion in a few months. Although this is not the case for your son, the nautical theme is ideal because it is sober, elegant and is ideal as a theme for the after party: today we present you with ideas for decorating a First Communion sailor party. The blue and white tones of the sea and red as a complement are our chosen ones!
You can choose the blue that you like the most, even combine an intense navy blue with a turquoise blue that reminds us of our beloved Mediterranean. Whether it is going to be a formal celebration, an aperitif or a snack, we propose the basics to decorate your sailor party.
Start by setting up a table with these essentials: Blue striped tablecloth or table runner and contrasting white flowers, mark where each of your guests sits with matching table place signs . To eat you cannot miss blue striped napkins combined with plates and wooden cutlery in Beige to give a natural touch to the table.

Another detail for the table, if it is an appetizer or snack, are thestriped paper straws. As you can see in the image, they work wonderfully to decorate a nautical party. If you like the idea, choose some red striped glasses like these or some transparent bottles and serve your drink in them. You will surprise your guests!

To decorate the rest of the room you can use transparent balloons with large white polka dots and some solid color balloons , combined they always look better. If you do not have Helium and you would like to get a decoration like the one in the photograph, you can use some sticks to hold balloons with the help of them you can achieve a similar effect. You can also mix the balloons withhoneycomb balls of different sizes and shades. Although if you like them more, you can also decorate with some pleated paper fans hanging at different heights and to close the decoration a garland of navy blue pennants will look great.

Before the end of the party or at the site of each diner you can leave a detail in some blue striped paper bags with some sugared almonds with a personalized label with the name of your child and the date of his first communion.

We hope you liked these ideas, if you still want to see many more you will find all the ones we are collecting on our pinterest ! See you there!
If you need help with your First Communion and you live in Barcelona, be sure to send us an email to and request our catalog of services. You will be surprised by all that we can do to make your son or daughter's First Communion a success.
ah me olvide de decirte soy de argentina.
hola me encanto… necesito pedirte ayuda te explico mi hija y su mejor amiguito van a tomar la comunion por suerte falta, y quieren hacer la fiestita juntos entonces se me complico con la deco…. que colores le hago porque si pongo amarillo mi hija quiere con algo de rosa, y por consiguiente tengo q poner algo de celeste…. me podrias dar ideas por favor….
Mi hijo toma la comunion el dia 03 de mayo y me gustaria hacerle una decoracion marinera y mesa de chuches.
Enviame presupuesto y si seria posible estamos en valencia.
El mismo dia que mi hijo y en el mismo salon hay dos niños mas, ¿podriamos hacerlo conjunto?
Un saludo
Hola, estoy buscando centros de mesa para una comunión marinera, decorada en rojo, azul y blanco.
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