Candles, Sparklers and Toppers
The most original and beautiful birthday candles to decorate your cake. Don't miss out on our new duo number candles that come with a fun built-in flare. Blow out your candles and make a wish!
number candles
A number candle to blow out is a classic on the most beautiful cakes that we love.
long sails
Long, spectacular candles to blow out and decorate the most beautiful cakes.
children's candles
Fun and colorful candles with children's figures, fun shapes or the most famous themes
candles with messages
Perfect candles to celebrate a birthday party with a great Happy Birthday
Sparklers add a touch of magic to any party. In our collection you will find our duo candles with built-in flare, the classic ones with little stars or those with numbers and letters.
Huge candles to decorate and other very large ones with a wow effect for your cake. Giant candles are perfect for celebrating round ages at the most elegant parties