"Easter Bunnies"

We have found these printables ideal for decorating the snack on Easter Sunday, Easter or an Easter birthday. We have it all, from the bunny garland, the cupcake toppers and even some goodie bags!

There is very little left for the children to go on Easter holidays and I think it is one of those very entertaining activities to spend an afternoon with them.

bunny garland

1. Download the file with the bunnies here

2. Trace the figures on some cardboard of the color that you like the most.

3. Cut them carefully

4. Pass a tape through the figures already cut out of cardboard and that's it!

In the case of the Toppers for Cupcakes, use the same drawings, cut them out and paste them making a Sandwich with a wooden stick between the two colored cardboard.

You can find the step by step and the gift bags here

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